Take good phone messages if you want to gain good marks with your wife. It's simple really.
Make your wife happy by taking clear and accurate phone messages.
Have a note pad and a pen in an easy to find spot.
Some people have a white board for family messages and everyone in the family checks it when they come in. Others use a notepad affixed to their fridge.
Write down the name of the person and a short note such as "needs a ride tomorrow" or "book club Saturday. Call her." You could also add the time they called. Getting a clear message will make your wife happy!
If you have call display you don't need to write down the phone number but if you don't - please double check the numbers are correct.
If the language is your second language this can be especially important because I know you are doing more work because you are translating those numbers!
Of course you can always ignore the ringing phone and let voicemail or the answering machine pick up.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Make Your Wife Happy by Helping Out At Home
Not only do women like it when their spouse is helping out around the home, researchers (according to a little magazine I was reading the other day) say that 'of 1000 men surveyed 90% of them find that pitching in at home makes them happier with their wives than sitting on the sidelines'. When women are less stressed then they are more supportive and accepting of their husbands. When a wife has help its makes her happy.
Now I couldn't find out who the researchers were or where they had done their survey but I thought I would share that little tidbit with you so you can continue making your wife happy.
There are many more tidbits with concrete things to do in my ebook and you can get yourself a copy simply by clicking on the link that will take you to the website "How to Make My Wife Happy". Give your wife a treat and yourself a bigger one.
Now I couldn't find out who the researchers were or where they had done their survey but I thought I would share that little tidbit with you so you can continue making your wife happy.
There are many more tidbits with concrete things to do in my ebook and you can get yourself a copy simply by clicking on the link that will take you to the website "How to Make My Wife Happy". Give your wife a treat and yourself a bigger one.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
I just keep thinking about the why. Why is my business in place? Why is the organization I work for doing what it is doing? Why am I a part of it? Why are my husband and I together? Why do you want to keep your wife happy?
Its easy to understand why my organization is doing what it is doing. We have a mission statement. If I get confused I just have to check the mission statement and it will tell me exactly why we are there and what is expected of me. I just have to think about the activity in question and compare it with the mission statement. Do the two match? If so, then I should carry on doing the activity. If they don't - then the activity has to stop. And I find one that fits with our purpose.
I think a marriage is like that. What is the mission statement of your marriage? What a silly thing to ask! But if you think back to your vows of marriage, words like "to love and cherish, in sickness and in health" will probably jump into your mind.
So, going to the bar after work, drinking with the buddies and showing up in the middle of the night and without so much as a phone call probably doesn't fit onto the "love and cherish". Really? Well who would treat someone they love and cherish in that way? Shawna lived with a man who continually exhibited this behavior. One day she asked herself exactly that question. And even though the make up sex was great, she realized the marriage wasn't. She didn't feel loved and cherished. This wife was not happy! Shawna left. Darrell is still enjoying his buddies and they keep him company most evenings.
But then it gets harder. What if you both have an idea of what the new kitchen should look like and you think it will be best this way and she thinks it will be best that way? You say, I love and cherish you - and this will make our lives better if we do it this way. She has the same comment from a different point of view. In this case it comes down to working together to find a solution that you both can live with. In the end it is finding a way to love and cherish and letting go of having to be right.
I guess I am thinking about kitchens right now because ours is in the midst of being renovated. My husband is busy 'mudding' and 'sanding' and getting the wall ready for the new cabinets to arrive. He's working very hard. We didn't have any arguments over how the kitchen should look - fortunately. He's got a good eye for design and so mostly he has made the decisions. We had a slight disagreement about the color of the cabinets but in the end he got his color choice because, once again, I know he has a good eye. He has proved it to me in the past! We did stop everything though while we re-discussed the color of the cabinets. In the end we went with the lighter ones. And then I wanted stainless steel appliances, he wanted white appliances. I wanted the color of stainless steel but I didn't like the fact that I couldn't keep it clean and that - believe it or not! - that I couldn't put magnets on it. We discussed it. I really did not want white appliances! In the end we bought black ones!
How do you keep your wife happy? Think about why are you with the woman you love? Isn't it because you love and cherish her? And in the end doesn't it all come back to the fact that if you love and cherish and make her happy you will feel loved and cherished and happy too?
Just a thought for this morning....
Its easy to understand why my organization is doing what it is doing. We have a mission statement. If I get confused I just have to check the mission statement and it will tell me exactly why we are there and what is expected of me. I just have to think about the activity in question and compare it with the mission statement. Do the two match? If so, then I should carry on doing the activity. If they don't - then the activity has to stop. And I find one that fits with our purpose.
I think a marriage is like that. What is the mission statement of your marriage? What a silly thing to ask! But if you think back to your vows of marriage, words like "to love and cherish, in sickness and in health" will probably jump into your mind.
So, going to the bar after work, drinking with the buddies and showing up in the middle of the night and without so much as a phone call probably doesn't fit onto the "love and cherish". Really? Well who would treat someone they love and cherish in that way? Shawna lived with a man who continually exhibited this behavior. One day she asked herself exactly that question. And even though the make up sex was great, she realized the marriage wasn't. She didn't feel loved and cherished. This wife was not happy! Shawna left. Darrell is still enjoying his buddies and they keep him company most evenings.
But then it gets harder. What if you both have an idea of what the new kitchen should look like and you think it will be best this way and she thinks it will be best that way? You say, I love and cherish you - and this will make our lives better if we do it this way. She has the same comment from a different point of view. In this case it comes down to working together to find a solution that you both can live with. In the end it is finding a way to love and cherish and letting go of having to be right.
I guess I am thinking about kitchens right now because ours is in the midst of being renovated. My husband is busy 'mudding' and 'sanding' and getting the wall ready for the new cabinets to arrive. He's working very hard. We didn't have any arguments over how the kitchen should look - fortunately. He's got a good eye for design and so mostly he has made the decisions. We had a slight disagreement about the color of the cabinets but in the end he got his color choice because, once again, I know he has a good eye. He has proved it to me in the past! We did stop everything though while we re-discussed the color of the cabinets. In the end we went with the lighter ones. And then I wanted stainless steel appliances, he wanted white appliances. I wanted the color of stainless steel but I didn't like the fact that I couldn't keep it clean and that - believe it or not! - that I couldn't put magnets on it. We discussed it. I really did not want white appliances! In the end we bought black ones!
How do you keep your wife happy? Think about why are you with the woman you love? Isn't it because you love and cherish her? And in the end doesn't it all come back to the fact that if you love and cherish and make her happy you will feel loved and cherished and happy too?
Just a thought for this morning....
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Champagne Anniversary

Someone told me that when you have an anniversary and the number of years and the number of the date are the same, it is called your champagne anniversary.
So last night we celebrated our Champagne anniversary with champagne! It was lovely. A nice catered meal, roses from our garden as a center piece. The good dishes.
The best part of having a romantic evening is that our attention is focused on each other and not on other things.
Having told you this, I'm doing so because I know you are looking for ways to make your wife happy and I was a very happy wife last night! And I might add, my husband was happy too!
Friday, July 23, 2010
When ‘till death do us part’ has added meaning

New charity Wish Upon a Wedding helps terminally ill people fulfill dreams, celebrate.
This is great. Read on.
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